Seite 14 - RLB Annual Report 2013

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In closeness
lies strength
Raiffeisen Bank staff roll up their
sleeves and refurbish the Tiroler
Sozialmarkt cut-price grocery store
in Innsbruck
Brandishing bricklayer’s trowels and paint brushes
and dressed in boiler suits and painter’s smocks
rather than business suits, committed RLB Tirol AG
employees turned up to lend a neighbourly hand:
55 RLB employees put in a total of 250 working hours
renovating the premises of the Tiroler Sozialmarkt.
Over three days, the RLB team painted and plastered
the premises as well as put in electrical fittings. The
windows were painted, damage was repaired and the
entire 250 square metres of the cut-price store
received a new coat of paint. RLB’s management
board also lent a hand with the renovation work in the
persons of directors Dr Hannes Schmid, MMag
Reinhard Mayr and Dr Thomas Bock, along with works
council member Doris Bergmann. Raiffeisen staff
have been helping out at Tiroler Sozialmarkt for some
time now, in the shape of both donations and voluntary
work, and they will continue to do so in future, be-
cause nothing is more sustainable than helping others.
The Raiffeisen principle
Radiant: director
Mag Michaela Landauer
Gleaming and freshly refurbished:
Tiroler Sozialmarkt
Fresh paint from Austrian agricultural
suppliers and DIY store Unser Lagerhaus